Python gzip/gunzip utility

If you are a person like me who likes to read books in html format, you sure would have lot of soft books. These books occupy a lot of diskspace because they are small files and just text. Apache’s transparent decompression (mod_deflate) is a good solution to read these books while keeping them compressed.

Hence this small utility which’ll gunzip/gzip all your html/text files on all Python supported platforms. Hope you find it useful.

**Note: **There is a small bug in this script where giving a . as the path ends up in some error. I haven ’t tried looking much into it. Hence please give absolute path when using it. Eg: /tmp, C:\books et cetera.

#!/usr/bin/env python  
import os, sys, gzip, string, tempfile  
class ZipManipulator:  
    """This class does the work of manipulating gz files.  
    Pass the repository as an argument during instantiation."""  
    def __init__(self, input):  
        self.repository = input  
    def files(self, root):  
       for path, folders, files in os.walk(root):  
           for file in files:  
               yield path, file  
    def starter(self, filetype, work_type):  
        '''Does the gzipping or gunzipping of given files.  
        work_type -> 0 is for gzip  
        work_type  -> 1 is for gunzip  
        fileype -> is the type of file. Eg: html, txt, html.gz, txt.gz, HTML.gz et cetera'''  
        for path, file in self.files(self.repository):  
        #for path, file in files(repository):  
            if file.endswith(filetype):  
                if work_type == 0:  
                    ZipManipulator.gzip(self, file)  
                elif work_type == 1:  
                    ZipManipulator.gunzip(self, file)  
                    sys.stdout.write("Incorrect work type passed.\n")  
    def gzip(self, file):  
        '''Gzip the given file and then remove the file.'''  
        r_file = open(file, 'r')  
        w_file = gzip.GzipFile(file + '.gz', 'w', 9)  
        os.unlink(file) #We don't need the file now  
        sys.stdout.write("%s gzipped.\n" % (file))  
    def gunzip(self, file):  
        '''Gunzip the given file and then remove the file.'''  
        r_file = gzip.GzipFile(file, 'r')  
        write_file = string.rstrip(file, '.gz')  
        w_file = open(write_file, 'w')  
        os.unlink(file) # Yes this one too.  
        sys.stdout.write("%s gunzipped.\n" % (file))  
def main():  
    repository = raw_input("Enter the repository path: ")  
    if repository == "":  
        repository = os.curdir  
    filetype = raw_input("Enter the filetype: ")  
    zip_type = int(raw_input("Enter 0 for gzip and 1 for gunzip: "))  
    instance = ZipManipulator(repository)  
    instance.starter(filetype, zip_type)  
if __name__ == '__main__':  

You can download the script here.